We love creating tailored designs, because we believe in embracing complexity and giving the right image to your unique voice.


Branding Adventure


You need a visual personality to go with the great business you are creating, or perhaps you need to refresh your image. Then Branding is for you, and if it needs to happen, then lets make it an adventure.
It can be quite confusing, too many questions, but following the right map, you can go anywhere you like.
I help all sort of businesses find their Valuable Values and translate them into visuals (logo, color palette, fonts, illustrations, photographic style, general visual direction, social media templates, documents, business cards, etc).

From experience I know that not having these elements can lower your confidence, which results in your business not closing the deal, customer going to the competition, and you ending up eating tons of sad ice cream. We don’t want that. So let’s get this Branding Adventure started and set you visually up for success!

  • ~ Concept creation

    ~ Branding System conceptualization and creation

    ~ Color palettes creation

    ~ Fonts selection (Main h1, h2, and body, several quotes, and social media post fonts)

    ~ Main Logo, logogram, logotype (primary and secondary marks)

    ~ Icons and visuals

    ~ Textures and patterns

    ~ Tone of Voice and Style basics

  • Investment starts at 3500 €. Your final package and pricing will be determined based on deliverables, goals, and timeline. Payment plans are available for all packages.

    Timeline: 2-3 months


Crafting your Website

After completing your Branding Adventure, we will have all the visual elements and conceptual direction for your website.

Don’t worry if you don’t know exactly what you’ll have there, we will work on this together, figuring out what is the goal and purpose of your website: we will outline your website strategy. 

With a clear strategy, we’ll be able to start drawing wireframes to visualize and design your audience’s journey through your content. This is UX design or user experience. Then we will evaluate which platforms suits your needs, and any specific requirements.

All these bits gathered, we will start the building of your new website!

Every website is as unique as the business it’s made for. We craft every section with the utmost attention to detail & care, putting our skills to the service of the needs of your project.

Your website is the house were your brand and your voice find a home.

  • ~ Website strategy

    ~ Wireframes

    ~ UX design

    ~ Content outline

    ~ Custom-designed site on Squarespace or WordPress

    ~ Bespoke visuals

  • Investment starts at 3000€. Your final package and pricing will be determined based on deliverables, goals and timeline. Payment plans are available for all packages.

    Timeline: 2-4 months



Branding + Website Bundle


Because when you purchase bulk you save, same happens when you book the whole deal with me, plus you get the super benefit on spending some more time together on an adventure!

  • Branding:

    ~ Concept creation

    ~ Branding System conceptualization and creation

    ~ Color palettes creation

    ~ Fonts selection (Main h1, h2, and body, several quotes, and social media post fonts)

    ~ Main Logo, logogram, logotype (primary and secondary marks)

    ~ Icons and visuals

    ~ Textures and patterns

    ~ Tone of Voice and Style basics


    ~ Website strategy

    ~ Wireframes

    ~ UX design

    ~ Content outline

    ~ Custom-designed site on Squarespace or WordPress

    ~ Bespoke visuals

  • Save up to 10% when you book Branding & Website bespoke design services.

    Investment starts at 6000€. Your final package and pricing will be determined based on deliverables, goals, and timeline. Payment plans are available for all packages.

    Timeline: 3-6 months


How does it work?

The process, from beginning until launch


P H A S E O N E ~ E X P L O R A T I O N

Let’s have a conversation

So you can tell me more about you, your project, hopes, and dreams! You’ll receive a welcome package with all the documents and instructions to get started.

Going deeper

Research, deep conversations, references, values, and more. We won’t leave any unseen corners.

P H A S E T W O ~ I D E A T I O N / E L E M E N T S

Concepts, sketches, ideas - creating a visual system.

The magic of working with the Art Thinking approach in design is having permission to follow an idea wherever it takes you. We think with a pencil in one hand and a sketchbook on the table, we doodle, sketch, collage, paint, and use whatever media it takes to squeeze out the essence of your project and translate it into a visual system.

Revisions: at the end of every stage, you’ll be able to check out the state of your project, correct course, further develop paths and enjoy the ride!


P H A S E T H R E E ~ B R A N D I N G

Your brand new brand is born

All the hard work, your new brand, and some magic in your Style Guide + folder containing all your assets and elements. Next stop: branded collaterals, templates, and other visuals - if applicable.

P H A S E F O U R ~ W E B S I T E

Ready to build a home for your brand? Your website

We are ready to press play on your website process. Starting with creating a strategy, wireframes, and setting goals.

Building blocks, digital cement, and decorating the new home of your project! You will have a fully functional and working site ready to launch and get you to the moon!


Enjoy the confidence and freedom of owning a beautiful brand & website crafted specifically for reaching your goals.


Benefits of bespoke design

One size fits all, as long as it’s your size and all means you. It is already hard enough to find your place in this world, to get your uniqueness and spark across. Your business, brand, and website are not the places for you to dim your light but to intensify it, let all your power shine through!

With our approach, we combine the best of art creation and design systems to craft something with your needs in mind. And I don’t mean only your target audience’s needs, but what your schedule, your day-to-day, and what you need as a person. We are passionate about trying many things and ways to attain balance, and your brand & website can help you in that quest.

Not all brands & websites demand the same attention from you or the same skillsets. Our goal is to create something that accommodates you, so you can focus your efforts and energy on what you do best without compromising your visual and brand’s consistency.

And, of course, nobody else in the whole galaxy will have the same ;)



Let’s create something unique!

We will begin with a call, so we can talk about your needs and ideas