Branch Out


Bianca is such a smart and kind person, who trusted me every step of the adventure. With patience and giving everything its proper time for growth, we developed and nurtured a truly unique brand. Branch Out is a marketing hub of experts, focused on finding the right strategy for your digital marketing efforts. “Don’t get lost in the pixel jungle and let us help orientate all your moves towards branching out your business.”




 Life . Care . Nature . Growth . Nurturing . Simplicity

From the beginning it was super clear to us that the brand’s main thing was to convey Bianca’s approach to marketing: everything has a reason, there must always be room for the most human aspects, and good marketing is about nurturing your audience. We translated all these into a nature theme, developing the business pillars as a seed for the DNA of your company, roots for the necessary research, and a growing plant for the actions for growth. The visual translation was handmade natural and zesty illustrations, made with quite digital colors, and lots of movement for the website!

“I am so happy with the website and branding Sofia created for my business. She brought a range of creative and original ideas and was able to align my values and personality to create a brand and digital presence that I am proud to share with my clients. Sofia was so easy to work with and her intuitive approach to branding and website design far exceeded my expectations”.

Bianca Talevska



Mycelium Gastronomy


Body And Bone Chiro